On December 12th, Tech Centro, a dual-language job-training training school invited me to talk to participants from their weekly job fair and ask what they’d like to see in the Southeast in the future.
We spent a lot of time talking about the hurdles folks face trying to find a well-paying jobs as well as what kind of businesses could exist in the southeast. A few ideas stood out: more business owned by black people, a cafe, a free art school, dental services and more programs that help folks in recovery find work.
Some folks were even brutally honest--expressing nihilism that things probably wouldn’t get better for the Southeast, or for people of color, in general. However, optimistic or not, folks do believe in working their hardest each day for the lives they want.
Big thanks to Michelle Johnsen and Silas Crews for documenting the event. Check out photos on Michelle’s website!
Check out Tec Centro’s job programming if you’re interested in:
Adult Education: GED (Spanish and English), Basic Computer Literacy, English as a Second Language
Job Readiness: Ready2Work, Workshops – how to have a successful interview, job applications, resume writing
Employment Services: Job Referrals, Job Placement
Case Management: Provides services through information and referrals and become an advocate for students.
Bilingual Skills Training
Career Pathways: Health Care: CNA Medical, Receptionist, Medical Billing Dental Assistant, Business and Hospitality, Manufacturing, General Office (Clerical)